Viorel Ion

Viorel Ion

Viorel Ion

DDS, DR Med Dent


Dr. Viorel Ion is specialized in dental prosthetics and occlusiology. He graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine at "Titu Maiorescu" University in Bucharest.

He specializes in prosthetics and treating TMJ problems, implementing modern methods of diagnosing and treating temporomandibular and occlusal dysfunctions in his clinic.

Dr. Ion is an experienced trainer, organizing many courses on occlusiology, TMJ, and prosthetics for dentists and dental technicians. He has extensive experience as a certified trainer for the Amann Girrbach, Rhein’83 and Schutz Dental systems for the Zebtis system.

He has undergone many training sessions abroad to specialize, becoming an expert in digital technologies and CAD/CAM. He has participated as both a participant and speaker at numerous scientific events, congresses, and courses, both nationally and internationally.

Dr. Ion Viorel trained more than 200 theoretical and hands-on courses and presentations on topics such as: ceramics, dental models, dental occlusion (face-bow and articulators), use of 3D design, milling and printing solutions, in Romania, addressed to doctors and dental technicians.

All sessions by Viorel Ion

  • Wednesday 22-05-2024
09:00 AM

Connecting orthodontic and prosthetic plans with Trios and Jaw Motion Analyzer from zebris. Pre and post orthodontic treatment analysis for long term success.

Course Viorel Ion , Ionut Pitu